The Change Speed Makes

Speed and size, carried to extremes, change not just the quantity or affordabilty of things, but change the entire experience.

Consider WWI, where the nature of battle was profoundly altered by a gun that could shoot 600 bullets a minute. This led to trench warfare, armies stuck permanently is stable positions, trench diseases, mustard gas, constant shelling, and maybe Spanish Flu. All because the rate of bullets per minute made the old system of warfare impossible. See Modern Warfare in WWI

Consider roads, which before cars used to be mixed mode by nature, accommodating horses, walkers, children at play, livestock headed to market. In New England this led to small clustered towns with defined centers. Add cars and suddenly streets are a way of move past towns and neighborhood rather than moving through them. Commerce and living become separated, etc.

There are positive effects to speed too. Wiki makes authoring so quick it changes the nature of web pages from publication to a canvas for communal thinking. The speed with which surgeries are performed is a prime driver of higher survival rates (less time = less time for complications) The speed of transport allowed the Green Revolution in farming, which changed how we farm. Cheap processor speed moved computers from the lab to the pocket.


Sometimes changes in efficiency lead to increased use. See Jevons Paradox

Pencil Sharpening Innovations give small short term gains, but plateau quickly in absence of social change.